Collette's artistic communities include
The Writers' League of Texas,
Gemini Ink's Center for Literary Arts,
Quackenbush Studios,
The Iowa Summer Writing Festival,
The Juniper Writing Institute,
The University of Texas at San Antonio,
The Tin House Summer Writer's Workshop and
Writers in Paradise.
Her works include
Serve, Volley, Pass, Return: A Novel
Lorena and Johann: A Novel
Lorena: A Screenplay,
School Time: A Pilot
Maime and Company:
A Chapter Book Series.
Currently, Collette is at work on
her third novel
Her non-fiction has appeared in
The Christian Science Monitor,
NY Arts Magazine and
Business SA.
Collette writes from her hometown of San Antonio, Texas
where she lives with her family,
Jack Russell Terrier
and a cat the neighbors call crazy.